How to Make a Quick Suffragette Sash

Do you need a quick costume? Look in your closet!

You could be a

  • Gypsy - flowing skirt, scarf around your hair, lots of big jewelry

  • Pirate - flowing skirt, boots, wide belt, baggy white shirt

You could be a Suffragette!

Suffragette costume headshot

In the United States, women began gathering to push for the right to vote in 1848.

In the United States, women got the right to vote in 1920.

That’s 72 years!

Because you can be a suffragette from any time period in that 72 years, any long-ish skirt that you already have is perfect. Add a white blouse and any kind of hat and you are good.

All you need is a Votes for Women sash and a sign.

You can quickly make a sash using satin blanket binding, bias tape, and a Cricut iron on letter maker.

I hadn’t used a Cricut before this project. It definitely saved a lot of time, and gave professional looking results! I didn’t buy it for this project; my daughter happened to have one for me to borrow. It’s under $150 right now. If you buy one by clicking the link, I get a tiny commission, and you get a powerful little device!

This video shows you how!

Read these inspirational words from the American National Women’s Party 1913 Newsletter:

Purple is the color of loyalty, constancy to purpose, unswerving steadfastness to a cause. White, the emblem of purity, symbolizes the quality of our purpose; and gold, the color of light and life, is as the torch that guides our purpose, pure and unswerving.

Mrs. Banks would be so proud!

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T-Shirt Quilt Ideas

t-shirt quilt ideas for your pile of t-shirts

Maybe it is time to say, “Enough!”

  • When do you realize you have too many t-shirts?

  • At what point do you stop folding your shirts in your drawer and start shoving them under your bed?

  • How do you decide when a t-shirt is just too old?

Don’t get rid of your t-shirts! They bring back memories. They are from your past life. They remind you of family members and of their activities.

Turn your t-shirts into quilts!

It’s easy. And it doesn’t have to take forever to finish.

All you need is a quilt square, a sewing machine, some fleece fabric, and a rotary cutter.

Here are some t-shirt quilt ideas for inspiration:

How many t-shirts do you need to turn your t-shirts into quilts?

It’s up to you!

  • 9 shirts makes the smallest usable t-shirt quilt. It’s a nice lap size.

  • 24 shirts make a nice twin-size blanket to stretch out under while watching TV.

  • I’ve even seen 30 shirts, but more often see 16 or 20 shirts.

Watch this 50 second video to see how a runner turned her pile of race t-shirts into a t-shirt quilt.

Have your own t-shirt quilt ideas?

Sign up for free instructions!

Want to learn more about how to turn your t-shirts into quilts?

Don’t wait! Your t-shirts are just going to waste!

Take a day. Make a quilt. Show off your life!

Ready to get started? You’ll need a quilt square. My favorite one is around $25. You can click on the Amazon button to buy one. I’ll get a tiny commission, and you will get the right square delivered directly to you!

How to Make a T-Shirt Quilt

That’s me in the blue dress talking about how to make a tee shirt quilt on tv!

That’s me in the blue dress talking about how to make a tee shirt quilt on tv!

I got to be on the local news!

at the how to festival I taught how to make a tee shirt quilt

Our city libraries offered a day of learning called the How-To Festival. Any community member with a skill to share or a talent to teach was invited to give a workshop, free to everyone!

Our local CBS morning news program highlighted three of the community members, including me!

In the photo above you see:

  • two ladies teaching how to play the ukulele

  • the man in the black who teaches how to make artist trading cards

  • me in the blue dress teaching how to make a t-shirt quilt

Newscaster Heather Myers put us all at ease. Watch how brilliantly Heather modifies her approach to the personalities of the three different people. See how she is put on the spot to play an instrument, yet never looks uncomfortable.

How to make a quilt out of t-shirts.

  1. Cut out the design of your shirts into a square.

  2. Cut that many squares out of fleece.

  3. Decide on the order of the shirt squares.

  4. Sew four layers at once: shirt, fleece, fleece, shirt.

  5. Repeat until all your rows of t-shirts are sewn.

  6. Now sew the rows together.

  7. Finally, cut a narrow fleece border and sew it around the entire quilt

How did I get to be on TV? How did I get to teach at the How-To Festival?

I said, “Yes.”

Did I know I would need to sing on TV? No!

Am I embarrassed? No! Even though I’m not brilliant, I’m not at all sorry for the experience.

  • If we live our life safe, we miss opportunities.

  • If we say ‘no’ to opportunities, we miss meeting interesting people.

  • If we stay home by ourselves, we miss the chance to learn from the community around us.

how to make a tshirt quilt with CBS8 news Heather Myers

Would you like a copy of my instructions How To Make a T-Shirt Quilt in One Day?

Would you like more information on how to make a quilt out of t-shirts?

Take a day. Make a quilt. Show off your life!

The hardest part of making your t-shirt quilt is finding the quilt square! The one I use is about $25. You can click the link to buy it now. I get a tiny commission, and you get the perfect tool delivered to your home!

Partner Costumes for an Unwilling Partner

I enjoy making and wearing costumes.

Historical. 1890’s and 1790’s.

Historical. 1890’s and 1790’s.

Cosplay. Get it? I’m Olaf the Snowman!

Cosplay. Get it? I’m Olaf the Snowman!

Halloween. What does the fox say?

Halloween. What does the fox say?

My now college-aged daughters grew up wearing homemade costumes, and now create them for themselves.

My husband, on the other hand, does not like dressing in costume. In fact, I cannot show you the photos of him in his Hunger Games costume.

Hunger Games cosplay. We look good, my husband looks miserable (so I edited him out).

Hunger Games cosplay. We look good, my husband looks miserable (so I edited him out).

In this video lesson, I show how to create one example of a partner costume, for when your partner is unwilling.

What is the issue? Being comfortable? Looking unusual? Both of these issues go away when you dress up as the American Gothic painting!

What are some other ideas for partner costumes with an unwilling partner?

Want to see more? Subscribe!