School is Closed. What About my Child's Special Education Needs?

It’s happened before.

A disaster happens, and all schools are closed.

What about my child’s special education needs?

In a disaster such as a fire storm or flood, we are focused on survival and on helping others. Not on school. And when the disaster passes, as most disasters do, school resumes as usual for all children.

What about my child’s special education during COVID-19?

We have to remember that this is a disaster. This pandemic has put schools in an unprecedented and difficult position.

  • How do we do speech therapy over Zoom?

  • How can we work on social skills without actually being in a social setting?

  • Who will do hand-over-hand assistance with my child?

  • How can I do adaptive PE with my child in our small home?

All school districts are working to adapt to the individualized education program of their special education students during COVID-19. But it wont be ideal. And it will take time to implement.

Read about California’s efforts here, try to decipher the federal Department of Education Q&A here, and watch this video about one school district in Washington.

Read this news article showing the challenges and concerns parents have for special education during Covid-19, when their special needs children stay home from school. Do you see yourself?

If you are frustrated, or discouraged, or just want to talk with someone who knows, please contact us. One of us will get back to you via email or phone very soon.