Happy 200th Birthday Florence Nightingale!

Here are five fun facts about Florence Nightingale, and how you can celebrate her birthday!

florence nightingale was bedridden
  1. Florence Nightingale was born 200 years ago, on May 12, 1820.

    Florence Nightingale died on August 13, 1910. She contracted an illness, probably from drinking contaminated goat’s milk, while serving as a nurse in the Crimean War in the 1850’s. Florence left for war a lovely young woman, then suffered the rest of her life with severe sciatica, dysentery, rheumatism, earache, continual laryngitis, insomnia, and obsession.

    She was mostly bedridden the rest of her life, yet wrote over 200 books, letters, articles, and pamphlets pushing for proper sanitation in hospitals.

    In honor of Florence Nightingale’s years of writing while ill, lay on the couch and write a letter to someone you care about.

2. Florence Nightingale’s birthday is celebrated as International Nurses Day.

an admiring soldier sketched this.  Florence Nightingale never married.

an admiring soldier sketched this. Florence Nightingale never married.

Her family was rich; she should have grown up to be a proper English Victorian lady. But Florence wanted to serve as a nurse. Her mother and older sister were horrified.

Florence studied nursing in Germany, then when Crimean War broke out, she trained 38 English nurses to join her in a field hospital, fighting for new standards in cleanliness among the soldiers.

Upon her return to London, England, she established the first secular nursing school in the world.

Look up the Crimean War. Who fought it? Why? Where? Marvel at the distance Florence Nightingale traveled to help.

She carried Athena around in her pocket!

She carried Athena around in her pocket!

3. Florence Nightingale was named after the city she was born in. So was her sister.

Florence is a city in Italy. Her sister’s middle name, Parthenope, is a Greek settlement in Italy.

When Florence was traveling around Europe as a young adult, she rescued a little owl from a group of children who were tormenting it. She named the owl Athena. Can you guess where she was when she adopted the owl? Yup - Athens, Greece.

Spend Florence Nightingale’s birthday calling your family members not by their names, but by where they were born! In my house, my name would be Anaheim, my husband’s Pasadena, and my two daughters would have the same name, so I’ll call the older one San, and the younger one Diego.

4. Florence Nightingale liked data.

Her attention to detail and tireless documentation of the patients she attended to as a nurse in the Crimean war that gave her the data she needed to convince the public that clean hospitals prevent disease.

Florence tried publishing bar graphs, but she felt that the general public didn’t bother to look at graphs. And she wanted to influence the public that keeping clean keeps away many diseases.

So she modified a pie chart into what is now known as a Nightingale rose. Her graphics helped attract and hold attention. She even put her mortality diagrams in picture frames and sent them to influential people, and commanded they be hung in their offices for all the public to see.

She was the first woman elected to the Royal Statistical Society and and was an Honorary Member of the American Statistical Association.

Celebrate Florence Nightingale’s birthday by bringing roses home, or by baking a pie in memory of Florence Nightingale’s influential diagrams.

On the right, blue deaths by preventable disease.  on the left, after sanitation practices, blue deaths by preventable disease is dramatically less.

On the right, blue deaths by preventable disease. on the left, after sanitation practices, blue deaths by preventable disease is dramatically less.

5. Florence Nightingale is known as the Lady with the Lamp.

Soldiers wrote home about Florence’s care, and the newspapers spread her fame. It’s nice to know that her good work was noticed and appreciated!

Light a candle in her honor. Notice and appreciate someone you love!

Did you enjoy this article? Here are other stories of fascinating people!

Calming Activities for Children with ADHD

You have a child with ADHD. Or a teen with ADHD. Or a spouse with ADHD. Someone in your household who is impulsive, disorganized, restless, and has low frustration tolerance.

In list form, here are some calming activities for children with ADHD. Just remember…

  • Not everything works every time to help calm a child with ADHD.

  • Some things work one day, but not the next to calm your teen with ADHD.

  • At times, we don’t even want to make an effort to calm our loved ones with ADHD. It’s easier just to scream and yell.

We know. We’ve been there.

Scary, right? But sometimes it feels so good just to scream….

Scary, right? But sometimes it feels so good just to scream….

Put these calming activities for children with ADHD in your “back pocket”. And know that you are not alone!

Five calming tips for children with ADHD at school.

calming tips for children with adhd at school
  1. Have a fidget object, like a quarter, that they can hold while they work.

  2. Don’t take recess away! Recess is necessary for all, and not just a reward for well-behaved students.

  3. Review the schedule, refocusing your child and reassuring them that a break is coming.

  4. Listening to soft background music on headphones can improve focus and concentration.

  5. 10 deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth.

5 calming strategies for your child with ADHD doing homework.

calming activities for teens with adhd
  1. 10 deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth.

  2. Make a list, which is a great form of mental rehearsal.

  3. Short ‘movement breaks’ can help a child refocus on completing the work.

  4. Reward little successes. A hug and smile make a difference, even with teens.

  5. Sometimes kids react better to outsiders, such as tutors, grandma, or the cool neighborhood teen. Enlist help - helpers do not mean you are a failure as a parent.

fidget ring to calm teens with adhd

5 calming activities for teens with ADHD

  1. A fidget ring! Support the creative people on Etsy and find one that suits you.

  2. Send them to the shower or the bathtub. Epson salts or essential oils can help.

  3. Redirect their activity. Jump rope, wash the car, organize the spice rack.

  4. Get artistic. Paint, clay, wire, wood, ink. Let them be creative!

  5. Take a dance break. Like Zoey in this video…

A dance break would even work for parents!

If you need more guidance, or just to talk about your own specific situation, we can help. Click for more resources. Or let us know you want a call or email.

No judgement. No obligation. Just guidance from experts who have been there, too.

Hula Skirts and Air Kisses

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

Here’s my story…

don't be afraid to try something new

While at a family reunion, I saw a performance of a Polynesian dance troop. I said to myself, “I want to do that, too!”

It took a few months. Months filled with excuses.

  • I’m too busy.

  • My kids are too young.

  • I’m white.

That last excuse really didn’t bother me. I figured anyone who could learn the steps would be welcome.

hula dancer.jpg

Yes, I was welcome. But there is a different culture among Pacific Islanders than I am used to.

They kiss.

I kiss my children. I kiss my husband. But that’s about it.

It took me longer than it should have to get used to the cheek-to-cheek air kiss. With every person. Each time someone arrived at class!

That’s a lot of kissing!

WikiHow has an entire article about the nuances and etiquette and culture of air kissing. Read it here.

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

Don’t be afraid to try something new. I’ve talked about this before.

Why should I try something new?

Here’s five reasons to try something new:

  1. Bucket lists shouldn’t be just for old people. We don’t know how long we’ll be on this Earth, so don’t wait.

  2. You will gain self-confidence. You may not like the new activity after all. You may fail. It doesn’t matter. You will come out empowered!

  3. You will be exposed to new opportunities, skills, and areas of interest. You have paths to take and choices to make that you never would know are open to you, unless you try.

  4. You will be more interesting to talk with. Variety is the spice of life! The more things you try, the more dynamic you’ll become both for yourself, and in socializing too.

  5. You will meet interesting people and make new friends. All of us, even introverts, need human connection in our lives.

And here I am! This is my beginning hula class performing at the county fair. I’m in the back row, usually in front of the ‘ph’ in “Ralphs”. At the end, you can see me give a little wave to my daughters in the audience.

It’s your turn! Go out and try something new!

If you’ve enjoyed reading this, you should subscribe!

How to Quarantine with Your Partner Without Destroying Your Relationship

Couples are now suddenly spending an awful lot of time together - ALL the time!

How do I avoid a breakup during quarantine?

Follow these 4 tips from relationship experts to survive self-quarantine

without hating the one you love.

Forever may stop sounding ideal after weeks of forced togetherness.

Forever may stop sounding ideal after weeks of forced togetherness.

1. Compliment your partner, even over little things.

  • Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

  • Catch them doing good, and say something nice.

  • This may be your first opportunity to see them working, even if it is remotely. Tell them what you admire about how they do their job!

  • Don’t pout if you are the only one doing the complimenting. Lead by example; after a few days, it’s okay to ask for a compliment (“Look! I cleaned out the medicine cabinet. Isn’t that better?”)

If i don’t look at her, maybe she wont make me talk to her

If i don’t look at her, maybe she wont make me talk to her

2. Be responsive to attempts at conversation.

  • Everyone has lost most of their social interaction with self-quarantine.

  • It’s not your job to be a constant source of company for your partner, no matter how much you love them.

  • But be mindful of the little comments that seek connection, and don’t ignore them.

Them - We’re out of eggs.

You - You’re the one who ate them all!
— Bad Example
Them - We’re out of eggs.

You - Oh, well.
— So-So Example
Them - We’re out of eggs.

You - Oh, you’re right, when do you think we should go shopping?
— Better Example
Is it about the eggs, or is it about the attempt at socialization?

Is it about the eggs, or is it about the attempt at socialization?

3. Schedule time for yourself.

  • If your only time by yourself is when you take a shower or make an emergency grocery run, you might be running low on much-needed alone time.

  • Schedule activities for yourself - have something to look forward to! Facetime with your cousin, jump rope to your favorite music, Houseparty with your buddies from the team.

we are not animals. we can talk things out.

we are not animals. we can talk things out.

4. Pick your battles.

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. And most of it is small.

  • Just like always, don’t talk about big concerns in the midst of an argument. Wait until everyone is calm.

Even the strongest relationships are strained by constant togetherness

Even the strongest relationships are strained by constant togetherness

Divorce is expensive. And usually unpleasant.

By doing these four things, we are filling up our emotional bank account. We will have the resilience to get through this stressful time without wanting to clobber the one we love!

We can avoid a breakup during quarantine.

Here is a short video recap of this article. I like the music background!

Adapted from the longer article by Rachel Feltman in Popular Science Magazine, and The Week Magazine.

If you need to talk to someone, every community has free confidential counselors waiting by phone or by live chat.

Such as It’s Up to Us.

Call 888-724-7240.

Trained people are waiting to hear you.

If it’s your kids who are driving you crazy, we have this article for you.

School is Closed. What About my Child's Special Education Needs?

It’s happened before.

A disaster happens, and all schools are closed.

What about my child’s special education needs?

In a disaster such as a fire storm or flood, we are focused on survival and on helping others. Not on school. And when the disaster passes, as most disasters do, school resumes as usual for all children.

What about my child’s special education during COVID-19?

We have to remember that this is a disaster. This pandemic has put schools in an unprecedented and difficult position.

  • How do we do speech therapy over Zoom?

  • How can we work on social skills without actually being in a social setting?

  • Who will do hand-over-hand assistance with my child?

  • How can I do adaptive PE with my child in our small home?

All school districts are working to adapt to the individualized education program of their special education students during COVID-19. But it wont be ideal. And it will take time to implement.

Read about California’s efforts here, try to decipher the federal Department of Education Q&A here, and watch this video about one school district in Washington.

Read this news article showing the challenges and concerns parents have for special education during Covid-19, when their special needs children stay home from school. Do you see yourself?

If you are frustrated, or discouraged, or just want to talk with someone who knows, please contact us. One of us will get back to you via email or phone very soon.

Watch a Movie to Celebrate Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. You should watch a movie!


Movies for Autism Awareness Month

Here are three movies that have characters with autism. Watch, and celebrate Autism Awareness Month.

But first…. A word of warning.

  • Do lawyers like watching courtroom dramas? Or do they get annoyed at the inaccuracies?

  • Do police officers like watching cop shows? Or do they spend the whole movie mocking the mistakes in procedure?

  • As a former high school teacher, I can’t stand watching movies that take place in high schools. They get it all wrong! But this movie has enough good outside the classroom to get my recommendation.

Click on the picture to read my review.

Click on the picture to read my review.

  • My husband is a volunteer rescue worker, and he talked back to the screen the entire movie, telling Dwayne Johnson everything he was doing wrong. (I liked the movie anyway - here’s my review.)

click on the picture to read my review.

click on the picture to read my review.

  • Do people who have loved ones with autism like watching movies that have characters with autism? Or they find the characters to be stereotypical and misrepresented?

Smarter people than I have analyzed movies that have characters with autism.

You can read those articles here and here and here.

These three movies for Autism Awareness Month are not documentaries.

We are not watching movies that have characters with autism for exact representations of the real people with autism that we know. That is known as a documentary. A documentary is educational and interesting, but not often the most entertaining of movies. Real life is slow and tedious.

We watch Hollywood movies for

drama or action or romance or comedy.

Hollywood is allowed to be a bit inaccurate in movies that have characters with autism, to increase our entertainment, just as they are in doctor movies and army movies.

The warning is over… On to three movies for Autism Awareness Month!

Joyful Noise (2012 PG-13) comedy, drama, music

joyful noise poster.jpg

This movie starring Queen Latifah, Dolly Parton, Keke Palmer, and Broadway star Jeremy Jordan set in a church choir will keep you smiling and tapping your toes!

Queen Latifah plays the mother of Keke Palmer and Dexter Darden, who has a type of autism spectrum disorder. Jeremy Jordan is Dolly Parton’s grandson, who likes Keke and befriends Dexter. Dexter’s is a minor character, with two particularly important scenes that address the challenges he faces.

Tap to get to video clip.

Tap to get to video clip.

It’s a beautiful scene. Is it the exact way people with Asperger syndrome act? Maybe, maybe not. But it is respectful and not insulting. Enjoy this movie!

Power Rangers (2017 PG-13) action, adventure, sci-fi

power rangers poster.jpg

Five high school students get superpowers, learn to use them, and team up to defeat the bad guy (or in this case, bad girl). A grand adventure, with excitement and friendship to enjoy.

To be honest, it wasn’t until researching this article that I remembered that one of the teens who becomes a Power Ranger is on the autism spectrum.

I remember this movie for two reasons:

  1. The amazing early chase scene that is all one take - the camera never leaves the action or cuts away, even through a car accident.

  2. One of the teens has a Chinese grandmother. I felt they should have honored the Japanese roots of the Power Ranger franchise by making him of Japanese descent.

The Predator (2018 R) action, adventure, sci-fi

the predator poster.jpg

Alien hunters come to earth. They kill a lot of people. A rag-tag team of Army misfits fight back (it’s like they’re the A-Team)!

This movie is rated R. The foul language will make your ears burn. The blood and guts are extra bloody and gut-sy. The acting is hit or miss. If you have any military experience, or have any knowledge of science, you will be shouting at the screen.

You should probably skip this one.

But, there are glimmers of brilliance. The army wife is strong in a realistic way. The running joke about what to call these creatures is clever. There are little gags that you feel smart to catch (look for the school billboard).

What about the character with autism? It’s another portrayal of a brilliant child who is wanted by the authorities. It turns out the aliens want him, too, for reasons that will probably leave you shouting at the screen.

Here, young Jacob Tremblay has figured out how to turn on an alien mask and arm piece, just in time for Halloween. He just didn’t know what it would do.

Is it a fair portrayal of someone on the autism spectrum? Perhaps. Is getting revenge on your bullies the dream of many people? Absolutely.

If you watch this movie, and hate it, don’t complain to me! But you may find yourself laughing at the gags and cheering on the heroes, just a bit!

If you are experiencing autism in reality, and not the Hollywood version, there are many resources for guidance and for hope. Here at Joy Lab, we want to help.

Help! I Have No Patience for my ADHD Child!

Having a child with ADHD is challenging. A child with ADHD has

  • trouble controlling their impulses and emotions

  • socially inappropriate behavior too often

  • an inability to learn from past consequences

There are more symptoms of ADHD. But those three are enough to drive anyone crazy. At least occasionally.

Let’s start with some affirmations.

I have no patience for my ADHD child.

You are not a bad parent.

I can’t handle my ADHD child.

You can. You are strong and capable and smart.

My ADHD child is out of control.

It’s not you. Most children with ADHD have times when they are out of control.

I’m overwhelmed with my ADHD child.

Having a child with ADHD simply is overwhelming at times. It just is. This is normal.

You are not alone. Millions of parents are going through the same struggles everyday. You may not realize it, you may not see it, because ADHD is referred to as an invisible disability.
— Dr. Cindi Britton, ADHD Specialist

We have a separate blog posting about what an invisible disability is.

band of sisters

I have no patience for my ADHD child!

Lack of self control, repeated inappropriate actions, and difficulty learning from past mistakes.

Even a saint would lose their patience!

Thanks for your sympathy. But what can I do to improve my patience levels?

  1. I can’t handle my child with ADHD and their lack of self control. Make short lists (see video below). Have time that is unstructured. Allow space to feel and space to be wild. Ignore the looks from adults who don’t know you. Talk through the situation ahead of time to pre-run your child’s responses.

  2. I’m overwhelmed by my child with ADHD and their inappropriate social actions. Become a broken record (“We do not look through all the drawers in the doctor’s office”). Play-act how your child should behave in different situations. Give sincere compliments for attempts at good behavior. Give space to try out weird sounds or unusual wardrobe choices. Pick your battles.

  3. My child with ADHD is out of control and never learns from past mistakes. Be consistent (this works best if all the adults in the home encourage the same rules). Don’t compare one child to another. Try to find ways to say ‘yes’. During pleasant times, point out to your child of how nice it feels to behave well. Tell stories of when your child made good choices (“Remember that time when…”)

Raising a child with ADHD isn’t easy. We care about you, and have several resources to help. You’ve got this!

Chemistry Problems: How to Solve Chemistry Problems On Your Own

Do you know how to solve chemistry problems in these general chemistry topics? You can solve chemistry problems on your own, if you learn a few fundamental techniques.

  • dimensional analysis

  • moles

  • stoichiometry

  • gases

  • solutions

  • acids and bases

Chemistry problems can be hard to solve on your own

Chemistry problems can be hard to solve on your own

Understanding chemistry problems means understanding chemistry math problems.

Our chemistry professor has found over the years that the largest obstacle to student learning in chemistry have been those associated with math skills.

Students have a difficult time applying what they have learned in their math classes to problems found in chemistry.
— Joy Lab Chemistry Professor

To succeed in basic chemistry problems, you must be very comfortable with algebra and quantitative reasoning.

Don’t panic! There is hope for every student!

Take these 3 steps today!

You need one of these, because your professor probably wont let you use your phone calculator app.

You need one of these, because your professor probably wont let you use your phone calculator app.

  1. How to solve chemistry math problems on your own: Your calculator is your friend!

Most schools have a check-out system for scientific calculators. Or you can find a used one on Amazon.

We have an entire free page on how to use your calculator to solve general chemistry problems.

Getting comfortable and quick with your calculator is essential for efficiently solving chemistry math problems.

2. Basic chemistry problems require specific vocabulary.

In Spanish class, you have to memorize the verb tenses. In football, you have to memorize the playbook.

In chemistry, you have to memorize words referring to measurement, nomenclature, and chemical reactions, among other essential vocabulary words. Words such as:

  • aqueous

  • barometer

  • coefficient

  • deci

  • element

  • functional group

  • gram

That’s quite an ABC!

Your chemistry text book has all the definitions you need. Make flash cards - they work!

Get it?

Get it?

3. Moles and Molar Mass are all over general chemistry problems.

Moles refers to the number of molecules, number of atoms, number of ions, number of electrons, number of donuts, etc.

  • We would be really happy if we had 3 moles of chocolate ice cream (that’s three scoops!)

Avogadro’s number of items is called a mole of items.

Avogadro's number is 6.02x10 23.

You see? 1 mole of something is the same as Avogadro’s number of something.

You see? 1 mole of something is the same as Avogadro’s number of something.

Molar mass is an important concept when solving chemistry problems. The average atomic mass of an element (in grams) is the mass of 1 mole of atoms of that element.

molar mass.JPG

Watch this video of our Joy Lab Chemistry Professor walking through a moles chemistry problem:


All your chemistry problems are solved in three easy steps!

Not really.

Chemistry is confusing, and has been for centuries. Just ask Dmitri Mendeleev.

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who organized the periodic table of elements.

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who organized the periodic table of elements.

For only $14, you can download your own guidebook to solving all first year chemistry problems!

This eBook is designed to help you through the obstacles of using math to solve chemistry problems.

  • 9 chapters

  • complete chemistry problem solver guide

  • take what you learn here and apply to all general chemistry problems you will encounter in class

  • each chapter has chemistry practice problems and answers

  • bonus - the professor has a sense of humor!

Here at Joy Lab, we care about your chemistry problem solving success. We have a variety of resources to help.

Now, go do some chemistry!

Chemistry is Confusing, and Has Been for Centuries

chemistry is confusing

Did you know chemists in the 1700-1800’s were confused by the elements they were discovering?  How are they related?  How can they be organized?

Even for chemists, chemistry is a difficult subject! Chemistry is confusing!

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev grew up in a Siberian household around 16 brothers and sisters, so he knew a thing or two about confusion!

This isn’t Dmitri’s family, but a houseful of 11 children must have been a bit chaotic!

This isn’t Dmitri’s family, but a houseful of 11 children must have been a bit chaotic!

In 1869 Mendeleev sat down and made flash cards of all 65 known elements.  Surely there is a way to organize the elements in a pattern or chart! 

This is Mendeleev’s actual desk. He slept in his office also, of course.

This is Mendeleev’s actual desk. He slept in his office also, of course.

He sat for hours at his desk moving the flash cards around, until he fell asleep.  He awoke with the answer!  Here’s what he said: 

In a dream I saw a table where all the elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper.

We cannot succeed in school by sleeping on our notes.

Chemistry is hard. Chemistry is tough. Chemistry is a difficult subject.

And, in reality, Mendeleev had been pondering the order of the elements for over 20 years. See, it takes work to learn or create something!

Dmitri Mendeleev. Chemist. Dreamer.

Dmitri Mendeleev. Chemist. Dreamer.

how to read the periodic table

Learn how to read the periodic table

Joy Lab has a FREE guidebook to understanding the periodic table! Download it, study it, and end periodic table confusion!



Subscribe for more fun chemistry stories!

Movies to Watch for St. Patrick's Day

Here are three of my favorite movies to watch for St. Patrick’s Day - or any day!

Sing Street (2016 PG-13) comedy, drama, music, romance

sing street poster.jpg

Being a teen can be awkward. Try growing up in 1980’s Ireland!

  • Family struggles

  • New school

  • No friends

What is the solution? Make a band!

Sing Street is a little-seen movie that will have you laughing and cheering and even crying a bit over the plight of the main characters. You probably won’t recognize any of the actors, although I think big brother Jack Reynor has what it takes to be a star.

No woman can truly love a man who listens to Phil Collins.
— Jack Reynor as Brendan
sing street movie

Far and Away (1992 PG-13) adventure, drama, romance

far and away movie

It’s 1992, six years after Top Gun, nine years before Moulin Rouge, and Tom Cruise is married to Nicole Kidman. Ron Howard directs this epic love story adventure!

In Far and Away, Tom is a poor Irish potato farmer, Nicole is a rich Irish young lady in the 1890’s. They escape to America pretending to be brother and sister, together only because they cannot make it on their own. Enjoy how young and innocent these two actors seem, and how in love they once were.

You’re not in Ireland anymore.
— Tom to Nicole
why does Nicole have red stuff on her face? watch the movie to find out!

why does Nicole have red stuff on her face? watch the movie to find out!

Brooklyn (2015 PG-13) drama, romance

brooklyn movie

Brooklyn is a lovely romantic movie about an Irish girl in 1950’s New York City. I like this movie so much I gave it it’s own movie review.

Why do Kids Act Out?

Let’s be honest. If you are a parent, at some time you have experienced something like this.


You have

  • places to go

  • things to do

  • people to see

The last thing you need is for your child to slow you down. Why do kids act out at the worst possible time?

Where will that paper airplane end up?

Where will that paper airplane end up?

Why do kids act out at school?

Do you dread getting emails or phone calls from your child’s teacher?

Teenagers can be really loud when you don’t want them to be.

Teenagers can be really loud when you don’t want them to be.

Why do teenagers act out at the most inconvenient time?

It’s embarrassing when your teen is defiant to you in front of other people.

This must be a perfect family!

This must be a perfect family!

It’s easy to look at other people’s perfect kids, and feel you are a bad parent. Stop. Just stop.

Child Behavior Problems and Solutions

You already know the answers to these, because no matter how you feel right now, you are a good parent. You want to do what is best for your child.

Why do kids act out? They may be…

  • Tired: Create a consistent bedtime routine.

  • Hungry: Provide regular healthy snacks and meals.

  • Confused: Have reasonable expectations and consistent rules.

  • Nervous or afraid: Look at the situation from their point of view. Prepare them before hand for what is coming. Offer encouragement and safe places to go. Never belittle their fears.

  • In pain: Are their shoes too tight? Do they get regular dental check ups? Is someone hurting them?

  • Feeling unloved or unlovable: A hug a day does wonders. especially for teens. Give sincere compliments. Spend a few minutes with your child without your phone in your hand.

See? You already know what to do.

You already know that it is difficult to be the perfect parent among the stress of daily life.

Child behavior problems can be overwhelming.

Child behavior problems can be overwhelming.

teens can be incomprehensible.

teens can be incomprehensible.

Sometimes, we don’t know what to do when our kids act out.

Your child could be experiencing an invisible disability, such as ADHD or Autism.

Get answers you need from a certified autism expert or ADHD specialist.

Or download our FREE chart to get an understanding of some signs of ADHD or autism.

No obligation. No judgement. Just answers from two experts who have been there, too.

How to Make and Freeze Millionaire Shortbread

Our family got to take a trip to the United Kingdom.  It was winter, and we often rested from playing tourist in a café with a hot drink, or a Diet Coke.

Look at the amazing pastries at the British Museum!

Look at the amazing pastries at the British Museum!


Many cafes had this wonderful thing called Millionaire Shortbread!

It’s shortbread with a layer of caramel and chocolate. An elaborate Twix!  We must have had Millionaire Shortbread 8 times!  Each café had a slightly different version of shortbread, caramel or chocolate.

When we got back, I needed to find out how to make Millionaire Shortbread for myself!  Google is a wonderful thing! I ended up modifying four different recipes into two batches of Millionaire Shortbread. Watch the video to see my results!

Are you interested in how to take your favorite foods and make them into freezer meals? Click to see our helpful learning tool!

Delicious home made Millionaire Shortbread

Delicious home made Millionaire Shortbread

Like what you saw here? Subscribe for more!

You Can Manage Meltdowns

What is a meltdown?

what is a meltdown

You know it when you see it.

What is the meltdown definition?

what is the meltdown definition

Sometimes we feel so emotionally overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings that we can no longer control ourselves.

Teen morning meltdown videos.

teen morning meltdown

Yes, that is really a thing. You can go on YouTube to watch videos of teenagers out of control of their emotions.

  • Who makes these videos?

  • Why do they post them?

Shaming someone, whether a parent or child or teen, does not help them. Stop.

An emotional meltdown hurts and embarrasses.

Meltdown is not the punchline to a joke.

Meltdown is not something you just have to live with.

what is a meltdown
FREE Chart to Help Manage Meltdowns
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No judgement.
Just guidance from two experts who have been there, too.
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Teach Yourself Chemistry

Daniel Liu, age 14, student at the University of Michigan

Daniel Liu, age 14, student at the University of Michigan

You can teach yourself chemistry.

Daniel Liu entered high school in Ohio when he was 10. That was after he won the Chemical Educational Foundation’s You Be the Chemist challenge. Yes, a 10-year-old beat out more than 30,000 other 5th-8th grade students nationwide.

Daniel is clearly gifted. And he has parents who support his insatiable quest for learning.

Daniel graduated high school May 2019 at age 13, with nearly 100 college credits. You see, he had been also attending the University of Toledo, taking classes such as Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry.

Now, at 14, he is the youngest research assistant in a University of Michigan chemistry lab, where he plans to graduate with a chemistry joint MD-PhD.

There is a bit of chemistry in everything.
— Daniel Liu, age 14
Mildren Cohn earned a PhD in Chemistry in the 1930’s at Columbia university when few women were allowed

Mildren Cohn earned a PhD in Chemistry in the 1930’s at Columbia university when few women were allowed

You can teach yourself chemistry.

Mildred Cohn may have graduated from her New York City high school at age 14 in 1927, got a chemistry bachelors degree in two years, and her chemistry masters degree in 1 year. But she was not allowed to pursue her doctoral degree in chemistry because grad students were required to be teaching assistants, and only men were allowed to be teaching assistants.

Mildred took a few years to work for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the precursor to NASA, during which she taught herself the essential chemistry lab skill of glass blowing, then went back to school and earned her PhD in 1938.

I didn’t intend to be an assistant for the rest of my life, so I started a new field of research.
— Mildred Cohn, first female president of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
you can teach yourself chemistry

Do these stories inspire you, or intimidate you?

  • You don’t have to have a super high IQ to teach yourself chemistry.

  • You don’t have to be a geek or a nerd or a dork to teach yourself chemistry.

  • You can be a regular person, who is interested in taking on the challenge of learning chemistry on your own.

You could get a text book and work chemistry problems on your own.

You could also use our First Year Chemistry Video Tutorials.

Common chemistry problems are worked by a college chemistry professor. Through the six series of questions, you will learn the approach to tackle all the problems you will encounter in first year high school or college chemistry: dimensional analysis, moles, stoichiometry, gases, solutions, acids & bases.

Teach yourself chemistry on your own schedule, using the videos whenever you need guidance or extra help. Or you can follow along all 100 problems in order, which prepares you for anything you will encounter in general chemistry class.

It’s exciting to learn how to convert moles!

It’s exciting to learn how to convert moles!

Learning chemistry on your own can be a challenge.

A challenge you are up to.

Let Joy Lab help!

For $219, you get almost 8 hours of video solving the types of problems you will find on any chemistry exam.

Videos teaching you how to solve problems in these six chemistry topics:

  1. How to do dimensional analysis in chemistry. Chemistry dimensional analysis, Dimensional analysis chemistry problems. Dimensional analysis conversions.

  2. Moles formula. How to calculate moles. How to find moles. How to convert moles.

  3. Stoichiometry problems. Stoichiometry practice problems. Stoichiometry problems and answers.

  4. Gases definition. Chemistry problems in gases.

  5. Chemistry solutions problems. Solutions chemistry problems.

  6. Properties of acids and bases. Acids and bases worksheet answers.

You don’t have to compare yourself to Mildred or to Daniel.

You be you.

If you want to teach yourself chemistry, and one of our tools are right for you, you will know it.

Now, go do some chemistry!

T-Shirt Quilt Ideas

t-shirt quilt ideas for your pile of t-shirts

Maybe it is time to say, “Enough!”

  • When do you realize you have too many t-shirts?

  • At what point do you stop folding your shirts in your drawer and start shoving them under your bed?

  • How do you decide when a t-shirt is just too old?

Don’t get rid of your t-shirts! They bring back memories. They are from your past life. They remind you of family members and of their activities.

Turn your t-shirts into quilts!

It’s easy. And it doesn’t have to take forever to finish.

All you need is a quilt square, a sewing machine, some fleece fabric, and a rotary cutter.

Here are some t-shirt quilt ideas for inspiration:

How many t-shirts do you need to turn your t-shirts into quilts?

It’s up to you!

  • 9 shirts makes the smallest usable t-shirt quilt. It’s a nice lap size.

  • 24 shirts make a nice twin-size blanket to stretch out under while watching TV.

  • I’ve even seen 30 shirts, but more often see 16 or 20 shirts.

Watch this 50 second video to see how a runner turned her pile of race t-shirts into a t-shirt quilt.

Have your own t-shirt quilt ideas?

Sign up for free instructions!

Want to learn more about how to turn your t-shirts into quilts?

Don’t wait! Your t-shirts are just going to waste!

Take a day. Make a quilt. Show off your life!

Ready to get started? You’ll need a quilt square. My favorite one is around $25. You can click on the Amazon button to buy one. I’ll get a tiny commission, and you will get the right square delivered directly to you!

What is an Invisible Disability?

Who is allowed to use handicapped parking?

  • Someone in a wheelchair?

  • Someone with an eye patch?

  • Someone attached to an oxygen tank?

Yes, if their doctor verified their handicap with the DMV.

If you saw someone with an obvious physical handicap, you would have no doubt they should use handicapped parking. We want to give extra space to people who need it!

handicapped parking sign
This is just a stock photo. We have no way of knowing if she has an invisible disability.

This is just a stock photo. We have no way of knowing if she has an invisible disability.

The DMV will give handicapped parking placards to people who have other conditions, once their doctor has verified them, including

  • Diabetic nerve pain

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Heart disease

What does a person with diabetic nerve pain look like?

If you saw someone like this smiling young lady getting out of a handicapped parking space, you would probably think she was cheating. That she was parking in the wrong spot, just to park up close.

Yes, selfish people do parking in handicapped parking sometimes. Don’t. It is against the law.

don't park in handicapped parking if you are not allowed to

People who are disabled do not always look disabled!

  • Fibromyalgia - widespread pain

  • Autism - challenges with social skills

  • Rheumatoid arthritis - pain in the joints, often beginning in young women

  • ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Looks like a normal family to us. Can you tell if anyone has an invisible disability? Nope.

Looks like a normal family to us. Can you tell if anyone has an invisible disability? Nope.

Just because a person has a disability, doesn’t mean they are disabled. But they do have some area that they struggle with, something that disrupts daily life, and could use extra help.

does my child have adhd or autism chart

Is ADHD an invisible disability? Is autism an invisible disability?

Yes. And, yes.

How can you tell who has an invisible disability?

If you are wondering about your child, download our free guide. This will help you know if you should seek a professional diagnosis.

  • ADHD and autism are the two most common invisible disabilities in children.

  • ADHD and autism are not your fault.

  • ADHD and autism often cause misunderstanding among onlookers.

Get parent support now to help on your journey with invisible disabilities.


Turkey or No Turkey? You Decide!

Does your family Thanksgiving dinner look like this? Of course not!

family thanksgiving dinner

Does your family Thanksgiving dinner look like this? We hope not!

distracted by devices family thanksgiving dinner

Maybe your family doesn’t even eat turkey. These are other tasty Thanksgiving traditions that we’ve heard of:

  • Tamales and beans

  • Steak and potatoes

  • Chicken and waffles

  • All-you-can-eat buffet restaurant

The menu isn’t important. It is the time together with family that matters.

But what if you live far away from your family?

things to do on thanksgiving without family friendsgiving

What if you don’t like your family?

What if you are hosting the day, and simply get stuck with all the work and little appreciation?

thanksgiving traditions and teenagers

What if you are worried about your child’s behavior during this chaotic holiday?

don’t worry. this is just a stock photo. he isn’t really hurting his sister.

don’t worry. this is just a stock photo. he isn’t really hurting his sister.

We all want well-behaved children who don’t embarrass us in front of our family and friends.

We all want to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving, instead of worrying about our children misbehaving.

how to deal with children misbehaving

Use this FREE chart to help! You don’t have to live with meltdowns.

No obligation.

No judgement.

Just guidance from two experts who have been there, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

How to Make a T-Shirt Quilt

That’s me in the blue dress talking about how to make a tee shirt quilt on tv!

That’s me in the blue dress talking about how to make a tee shirt quilt on tv!

I got to be on the local news!

at the how to festival I taught how to make a tee shirt quilt

Our city libraries offered a day of learning called the How-To Festival. Any community member with a skill to share or a talent to teach was invited to give a workshop, free to everyone!

Our local CBS morning news program highlighted three of the community members, including me!

In the photo above you see:

  • two ladies teaching how to play the ukulele

  • the man in the black who teaches how to make artist trading cards

  • me in the blue dress teaching how to make a t-shirt quilt

Newscaster Heather Myers put us all at ease. Watch how brilliantly Heather modifies her approach to the personalities of the three different people. See how she is put on the spot to play an instrument, yet never looks uncomfortable.

How to make a quilt out of t-shirts.

  1. Cut out the design of your shirts into a square.

  2. Cut that many squares out of fleece.

  3. Decide on the order of the shirt squares.

  4. Sew four layers at once: shirt, fleece, fleece, shirt.

  5. Repeat until all your rows of t-shirts are sewn.

  6. Now sew the rows together.

  7. Finally, cut a narrow fleece border and sew it around the entire quilt

How did I get to be on TV? How did I get to teach at the How-To Festival?

I said, “Yes.”

Did I know I would need to sing on TV? No!

Am I embarrassed? No! Even though I’m not brilliant, I’m not at all sorry for the experience.

  • If we live our life safe, we miss opportunities.

  • If we say ‘no’ to opportunities, we miss meeting interesting people.

  • If we stay home by ourselves, we miss the chance to learn from the community around us.

how to make a tshirt quilt with CBS8 news Heather Myers

Would you like a copy of my instructions How To Make a T-Shirt Quilt in One Day?

Would you like more information on how to make a quilt out of t-shirts?

Take a day. Make a quilt. Show off your life!

The hardest part of making your t-shirt quilt is finding the quilt square! The one I use is about $25. You can click the link to buy it now. I get a tiny commission, and you get the perfect tool delivered to your home!